JC Junga Consulting GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft

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Tax Consultancy

You are in need of competent tax consultancy?  Wether you are looking for ongoing advice or special consultation, we are sure you will find something in our wide range of services.

Ongoing tax advice

  • Preparation of tax returns for businesses, juridical persons and individuals
  • Acting as your agent with the tax authorities: on an ongoing basis and with respect to special issues
  • Ongoing information about changes in tax law
  • Tax planning in order to optimize your tax burden
  • Ongoing financial accounting and payroll accounting
  • Preparation of the annual financial statements: balance sheets or income statements
  • Filing applications such as deferral of tax liabilities
  • Submitting tax applications, such as postponement of payment of tax liabilities, extension of the deadlines or reduction of advance estimated payments
  • Acting as your agent on tax court proceedings

Special consultation

  • Advice on financial and asset planning
  • Advice on inheritance and business succession issues
  • Planning of start-ups or changes in your company’s legal form, as well as liquidation
  • Extensive business and management consultancy (For further information please visit our business and management consultancy page)

Other consultation and services

  • Expert monitoring  of audits by the fiscal authorities
  • Guidance in bank negotiations
  • Business recovery advice
  • Advice on the optimal legal form from the standpoint of tax law
  • Tax planning and strategy development
  • Advice and training for your accounting personnel
  • Tax expertise activities
  • Advice related to computerised accounting

Payroll accountancy

With accounting for salaries and wages including aspects of wage tax, of labour and social security law, it is prone to error. Entrust your payroll accounting to our experts and you will benefit from more reliable accounting, faster analyses, and professional implementation of the following services

  • Registration and deregistration with the health insurance fund
  • calculation of current wage taxes
  • accounting for overtime, bonuses, travel expenses
  • ongoing payroll accounting
  • advice on optimal structuring of wage and salary payments
  • calculation of compensation for vacation, holidays and sick leave
  • clarification of legal issues involving taxes and social security
  • online access to social security agencies and the tax office
  • assistance with wage tax and social security audits
  • tax law consulting for the organisation and drafting of service contracts
  • auditing of travel expense accounts, identification of the components subject to tax and social security contributions


Accounting is not your cup of tea? No problem, we offer a wide range of services:

  • Collection and delivery of your bills and receipts
  • Creation of short-term income statements
  • allocating current transactions to the proper accounts and collecting data in a suitable form for computer processing
  • Management of open positions of customers and suppliers
  • Organisation of accounting
  • Continuous reconciliation of accounts
  • Accurate classification of your special payments and provisions
  • Automatic data exchange with electronic cash books and accounting systems
  • Ongoing counseling concerning accountancy issues via phone and e-mail
  • ABC-analysis of customers and suppliers
  • reporting on your business trend

Start-up consultancy

A magnificent idea is the perfect start. We will accompany and guide you from concept to start-up so that your idea will become a successful business

  • Working out a financial plan for the first few years
  • checking the feasibility of your business concept
  • Joint creation of concepts
  • creating well-thought-out business plans
  • roadmap to becoming a limited company
  • Compiling your time and rentability planning and cost and earnings projection in order to calculate your estimated break-even point
  • assistance with financing issues and negotiations with the bank
  • advice on legal issues concerning social security