Business and Management Consulting

With our comprehensive planning and analysis we ensure your long term success!

Our management consulting includes the following services:


Controlling is an instrument for leadership. It deals with information and helps to unknot the future development of your company. We can help you with:

Cost Accounting

A modern cost accounting system provides managers with important arguments for decision making

Liquidity Planning

We offer an integral view of your cash budget planning. Our goal is a funding without any shortages.

Business Valuation

There are various methods for measuring the value of a company. Which method is chosen depends primarily on the industry in which the company operates, the size of the company and the reason for the evaluation itself.  For example, this could be the purchase or selling of the company or an operation, the entry or exit of a shareholder or a transition concerning inheritance or conversion.

Once can distinguish roughly between two major valuation methods and their combination.

  1. Income Approach
  2. Asset Value Approach
  3. A combination of the above

We offer our expert know-how in both, method selection and evaluation execution in order to get the best business valuation result for your specific situation.

Optimisation of operations

Companies are faced with a difficult challenge: to remain competitive, it is important to offer high quality services and provide them efficiently, with optimal cost structures.  We offer advice in order to ensure your competitive position.

A particularly important role is played by cost accounting, to record and account for the costs of services provide in the company. The main purpose of modern cost accounting is to provide management with a basis for decision-making.

Business plans

When and why is a business plan useful? A business plan is a key document for the evaluation and control of your future business activities. It is supposed to prove the capability of the founder(s) of the company to turn the business concept into a real company.

The business plan provides potential business partners, banks, and venture capital investors with a basis for deciding whether to cooperate with you and invest in your company.

The business plan has two parts:

The written formulation of the business concept includes:

Your cash planning should cover a period from three to five years. It is generally very difficult to make predictions beyond that timeframe, so such planning would not be very meaningful.